Friday, 16 September 2016

Conductive education

For those of you that don't know; conductive education is a practice that provides children/adults with movement disorders such as cerebral palsy with greater independence and control of their movements/body. This is done by showing them alternative methods of performing tasks such as independent sitting, crawling, feeding etc it's an all encompassing therapy that you can practice at home, it's more like a lifestyle really. In my area we are extremely lucky to have this provided by a local charity called step and learn.

We have found conductive education to be extremely beneficial, more so than any other therapies we've been offered. My little boy has been attending twice a week for well over 2 years now and when he started his hands were in fists most of the time, he was unable to sit independently at all and he was completely unable to move on his own. Max can now sit independently for short periods of time under supervision, his hands are no longer fisted and although his fine motor skills are still a struggle for him they've improved so much!! Max can now walk for short distances in his walker (although he is predominantly in a wheelchair) this provides him with the opportunity to play his greatest love football in the garden, and he's achieved so much more, that we credit to this amazing practice. Conductive education has improved my son's quality of life so much, and now I sound like an advert and I assure you nobody is paying me but do yourself a favour if you think you or someone you love would benefit don't hesitate to find out if it's accessible in your area. You won't regret it.

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