Today I shall be performing all my usual daily housework duties all the while carrying a teeny tiny muscle man (no lie my son his ripped, he's like a miniature version of a contestant from world's strongest man) he is only 3 and is wearing age 4-5 clothing and they're tight on him!! Max has a stomach bug, and rightly so is feeling very today he will be my beautiful assistant; annnnnnd for my next trick....
I will be stripping the bed whilst holding Max....loading the washing machine whilst holding Max....loading the dishwasher whilst (you guessed it) holding Max (and anti-bacterially wiping everything he sneezing/coughs/pukes on, coz frankly one man down is enough in this house!) ....put him down I hear you cry? Well as Max unable to follow me from room to room all the while clinging to my leg (spreading his germs around the house) as is protocol for the majority of poorly three year olds only other option is to put him in a wheelchair (or another cold hard, not living breathing OR cuddly like your Mummy piece of equipment) this understandably is not something Max is up for, he like every other child his age wants to hang from his mother when he's feeling poorly, also sitting still...(although is something I'm going to have to eventually give in and do...coz although he may be a muscle man I am NOT) is not really an option either until the bare minimum is done because in all honesty letting things in the house slip (in a house that feels like it contains 500 kids, a man and a ginger tosser of a cat)...even just for a few days is going to cause my hassle than its worth, my house has to run like a well oiled machine or it's bedlam.
I will also be bathing and clothing Max whilst all the while catching sick in a bowl what's your super power? haha!
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